Happening Salonistas in Paris

I celebrate the professional and creative (and mostly, professionally creative) activities of members of the Salon community…pass on the good works!

Happening Salonistas in Paris 


  • Long term Salonista and writer extraordinaire Lizzie Harwood has a revamped website: www.editordeluxe.com share the news with anyone looking for editing services or help with their writing and publishing goals.


  • The talented and compassionate Helene Larisch has started her own enterprise teaching English to folks with limited vision—her lessons combine literature with spoken English practice in thoughtful and inspiring lessons:   contact :helene.larisch@wanadoo.fr     L’association Tout en Parlant propose à partir de janvier 2014 un cours d’anglais pour les personnes concernées par la basse vision. L’objectif est d’améliorer la compréhension et la pratique de la langue orale avec une méthode adaptée. Le cours a lieu tous les lundis de 14h00 à 15h30 au Centre Social Le Pari’s des Faubourgs, 12 rue Léon Schwartzenberg, 75010 Paris, métro Gare de l’Est.


  • Another friend of the Salons, Nathalie Vigier offers a variety of cultural events celebrating language and cultural diversity as well as English and French courses adapted to individual needs. natalievigier@yahoo.fr  and http://www.petitmusc.fr/

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