Top Ten Salon Ingredients


10 things that make a great Literary Salon


1. A work of literature of significant merit that asks, not answers, the essential questions of what it means to be human.
2. This same work of literature is composed of writing that invigorates and challenges its readers– and at times is simply sublime in its language.
3. A safe space–literally, psychologically and metaphorically where participants feel at ease and able to question, share and take risks.
4. A group of participants that are diverse in their ideas, histories, cultural affiliations and personality styles.
5. An atmosphere of discussion that does not aim for one right answer but a weave of responses.
.6.A facilitator who keeps opening his or her mind to the possibilities suggested in the literature and the insights offered by the group while holding lots of possible directions to pursue and passages to consider.
7. Good food and drink.
8. Laughter.
9. A shared desire to know about the experience and interior world of others.
10. A willingness on the part of all to read, be challenged and reflect.
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