London studies coming in April


Hamlet Intensive April 26th— One Meeting study of the extraordinary play in honour of Shakespeare’s 400 year anniversary

“What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form, in moving, how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?”

Light in August by W. Faulkner seven week daytime study starting April 18th “It is just dawn, daylight: that gray and lonely suspension filled with the peaceful and tentative waking of birds. The air, inbreathed, is like spring water. He breathes deep and slow, feeling with each breath himself diffuse in the natural grayness, becoming one with loneliness and quiet that has never known fury or despair….”

To the Lighthouse by V. Woolf five week evening study at SAP in Hampstead

“What is the meaning of life? That was all- a simple question; one that tended to close in on one with years, the great revelation had never come. The great revelation perhaps never did come. Instead, there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark; here was one.”


Why am I getting this newsletter again???

You may be asking– or you may be seeing this for the first time…amongst the ecstatic flight of our Proust and Joyce studies, the terrible beauty of our Faulkner work– our discussions around meaning and language and gender and identity– there is also the banality of technology and its limitations. As the Salon community grows, the pressure on the website and my VERY limited technical knowledge means breakdowns: so many may not have received recent news or the communication was unreadable.

Let us hear from you…

As I am proposing coming studies and starting to consider the line-up for the September offerings or possible short summer study, your input is invaluable– and confirms the newsletter has been received. And simply: it is always enjoyable to hear from members of the Salon community.

Salon Community happenings: One of the current Ulysses travellers, Annabel Abbs, has a book on Joyce’s daughter launching in June so watch the site for more information: 15 June, at Waterstones on the Kings Rd, SW3. 7-9pm

Poet Jehane Markham will be running a six-week poetry workshop starting in May on poetry-making from myth that sounds delicious…

A small group of us will be celebrating our journey through the Search for lost time in Proust with a few days following in Prout’s footsteps– and later in June there will be celebrations all over the world for Bloomsday–and the Salon will join in those here in London.

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