On The Golden Booker prize– CNJ by Toby

FOR two hours, I was entranced: literary greats introduced their choice of the best of the Bookers—with the shortlisted books brought to life by actors Chiwetel Ejiofor, Fiona Shaw, Geoffrey Streatfeild and Meera Syal.

And this celebration of narrative form reaches beyond literature nerds to remind us all why we need art. In this strange moment when national leadership seems bent towards its most narrow and xenophobic interests, when political leaders act and speak without a sense of integrity nor service to a wider community, books remind us of our common humanity – and that the struggles are not new.

The ceremony had advocates for each of the Booker’s five decades. Watching Lemn Sissay playfully express his passion for the weave of time, memory and the nature of evidence in Moon Tiger and then hearing the graceful and generous words of Penelope Lively herself almost ended the event for me: I leaned towards the exit, wanting to grab her book and shut myself away with it.

For the rest of the article, please visit the Camden New Journal website : http://camdennewjournal.com/article/booker-prize-page-against-the-machine

Toby will offer a short (three-week) course on The English Patient in October…check the website for details….

Keats Library: In Byron’s Wake book talk 13.9.18

Thurs Sept 13th 7.30pm
Keats Community Library 10 Keats Grove NW3 2RR
Miranda Seymour will discuss her new book In Byron’s Wake about the careers of Bryon’s widow and daughter,  Books  will be available for signing.
Tickets £10 from the library on 0207 431 1266.

We are in  beautiful Grade II listed building next to Keats House. Do come and visit.

On Reading from new facilitator Basil Lawrence

On Reading

       from Basil Lawrence, Salon facilitator


I arrange my shelves by publication date in an attempt to understand how each book relates to its neighbours. The spines remind me that Moby Dick, Bleak House and Madame Bovary appeared in that order in the 1850s. That The Trial, The Great Gatsby and Mrs Dalloway all debuted in 1925. Because in addition to reading books individually, I need them to remind me of their bigger story. That literature lives.


Even without doing the maths, I know that I won’t have enough time to get through everything I’d like to. So I keep my head down and get on with the greats. Sure, I suffer relapses. I stop altogether or am tempted by a hyped novel, but more often than not this leaves me dissatisfied and incomplete . . . and reminding myself not to waste time.


Reading, for me, is a preparation for the next ascent. And I climb because the views are breath-taking! I’ve not yet tackled War and Peace; I’m training with the The Red and the Black and Les Misérables.


Frustratingly, there are books I’d love to read, but that I haven’t feel confident enough to open . . . perhaps because I’m uncertain of how to start, or because I feel daunted by their weight. If I had an obol for every time I’d attempted to settle down with The Odyssey before I met Toby, I’d have enough money to buy myself a copy of The Iliad. Which is why I value the Salon: without it I wouldn’t have found my way into the poem; without her I’d have missed a friend.


Books are quiet, thoughtful companions, that scare easily. I value them because during especially difficult times of my life, my capacity to engage with stories is often the first things to vanish. And that’s not unlike losing a friend, or a lover. So when I’m able to, I read. I read. I read.


Feedback 2018

The experience of the Salon is best described by the participants– here is a sampling from recent studies:

“Thank you so much for being such an inspiring teacher and facilitator.  As you know I’ve hugely enjoyed the journey you have taken us on through Ellison’s masterpiece.  I have gained an insight and appreciation that would have been impossible without your guidance.  I’ve also learnt so much from the contribution of the other women in our group. I will unquestionably be back.  It has been a joy.

I marvel at how someone as young as Ellison was when he wrote could have gained so much wisdom. I marvel at his humanity despite his suffering and that of his people.   I had never imagined he would write an ending so full of hope.”

“Have been truly overwhelmed by this work in such a way (profound?) that I’m not sure even what to say. Perhaps there’s a lesson in that.
Thank you, as always,
for being an inspiring guide.”

“I didn’t get a chance to thank you for the Invisible Man….
But what a book. Probably partly because of being tired, but also I’m sure because of the section of the book we concentrated on, I felt really moved by it and quite emotional afterwards. Somehow the invisible man idea felt like it went beyond racism to an existential place, making me think last night about what it means to be ‘visible’ in life.  Incidentally I am hugely confused by the ending and suspect I need to go back and re-read it, so really looking forward to listening to next week’s recording.
The group was great – I always find it fascinating how a group comes together over the weeks. At the beginning everyone is a bit cagey, cautious, sometimes unconfident/sometimes competitive. And somehow by the end, there is lovely respect, courtesy and openness to the different opinions in the room. And I love the way one’s own interpretation is stretched by listening to other different, clever people.
Anyway, enough of my gushing. Thank you again – have a great session next week. I look forward to something new in the Autumn, so let me know your plans as soon as you have made some!”
“A note to say how very much I enjoyed, appreciated and benefitted from the sessions.  Unlike M.Swann, my desire was  not at all attenuated by achievement.”
“Our session affected my dreams, and I woke up feeling quite drugged and almost hungover. I’m grateful for next week’s break — this novel requires a lot of thought and processing.”

“Thank you for facilitating Frankenstein; enjoyed every moment and each moment left me pleasantly surprised at how much more thinking came through since my not so distant undergraduate days …Unfortunately I will not be able to attend the last – but not ever least – discussion group on this inexhaustible book of exploratory thinking which actually had started to sound much like a Mahler symphony in the overwhelming enormity of its literary composition. Hope to see you soon in one of your future groups…”

“Thank you for this email, but also for the incredible literary and life experience that you created for us in Switzerland.  It was an amazing experience and more inspiring that I could have ever imagined.    I am so grateful for all of the work that you did to prepare and to make it so special. I feel in love with Housekeeping because of the work you did and the way you led us through it.  Please let me know if you do any other retreats or come to Paris.  I would sign up for that in a heartbeat!!”
“I loved the Ulysses study and I miss it, it opened doors for me that I thought were out of reach, the easy way you facilitate our discussion is a joy and a pleasure. I will probably do another Ulysses and will certainly continue to be a Salonista. Thank you to all for the enlightenment and patience.”
“I really enjoyed the salon – there’s no way I would’ve read Ulysses without it and it was great to use my brain in a different way. Also you were really good at navigating us through it making it feel like a shared discussion and not a lesson!”

Welcome to Basil Lawrence– facilitator for fall Nabokov studies

It is my great pleasure to introduce Basil to the Salon community. Basil is a skilled facilitator with a deep appreciation for the power of language. For all who have been asking for a Nabokov study, here is your chance!

From Basil:
I met Toby when we worked together at the Society of Analytical Psychology where I’ve been fortunate to attend her poetry and literary seminars. As an extroverted introvert, I’m drawn to the solitary pleasures of reading but I love exploring texts within a group. Everyone’s contribution expands my understanding of the work, and myself and my fellow companions.

As a reader I’m particularly attracted to patterns and aesthetics, and I’m fascinated with how the right word in the right place creates a world that reflects us back to ourselves. I love words and well-crafted sentences, and over the years I’ve become increasingly drawn to the similarities between therapeutic interpretation and close reading. I’ve come to believe that great writing increases our understanding of what it means to be human, and what it means to be alone in a crowd. ”

Coming Studies Autumn 2018 –draft…

Hard to believe we wandered through Ulysses, Proust, Invisible Man, Mad Woman’s voice, Finnegans Wake The Waves, Frankenstein in last few months…along with magical retreats in Camber Sands, Valencia, Kandersteg & Dublin. I am still basking in the glow of these incredible studies and the lively minds that joined together to illuminate the books. We are putting together the next newsletter announcing the coming studies– but here briefly is what we are considering…as always, contact us with feedback, requests, questions….


Fall 2018 Salons proposed

  • To the Lighthouse – two sets: Weekend Sept 28-30th (Monday 24th); Weekend October 5-7 (Oct 1st prep)
  • Proust Budding Grove  (Salon Full) : 20th– Dec. 6th Thursdays 12-2 PM
  • Finnegan’s Wake: Sept 19- 24 October
  • Camus The Stranger:  Short Intensive (details to follow)
  • Wordsworth’s Preludes (details to follow)
  • Magic Mountain: 13 week study starting Sept 12 – Dec. 12 – Tuesdays (day time/Eve)
  • A Heart So White — Valencia weekend study Nov. 16-18th

Other works?

  • Henry James
  • Marilynne Robinson 3-part study – Lila, Home
  • Moby Dick

Geoff’s Sanctuary/ Claire Denis

Mark—Iliad (November) &

Basel—Pale Fire

Faulkner series  @ City Lit Mondays 12:30-2:30

Midnight’s Children @ SAP

Salon Retreat studies 

  • To the Lighthouse (two weekends in fall 2018 are currently full) May 17th-19th 2019
  • Heart So White Valencia Spain Nov. 16-18 2018
  • The Odyssey in Greece– May 3rd- 10th  2019 with Carolynn Donnelly & Jane Wymark details to follow…
  • Reading the Body end of May 2019 details to follow…
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