Starting in January 2012

As I Lay Dying Salon Intensive January 8th

Ulysses study starts week of January 16th

The Iliad Salon Study of the text and Christopher Logue’s poetic response starts January 18th

Steady, My Gaze by Marie-Elizabeth Mali book launch hosted by the London Literary Salon February 6th

The Passion of New Eve Salon co-facilitated by Dr. E. Welby meets for two intensive sessions at the end of February and the first week of March.

For the New Year, gift yourself or a friend the opportunity to focus and learn. Our lives are full of noise and distractions; reading a book like Ulysses and participating in the Salon conversations allows a time of reflection. You are accompanied by fellow journeyers who are balancing the demands of the exterior world with the hunger of the inner world to be present, to be aware. Here is one route in.

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